She was part of the Dada movement in which Crotti would become involved.
This piece combines images from newspapers of the time re-created to make a new statement about life and art in the Dada movement.
His involvement with the Dada movement lasted approximately two years.
The Dada movement made its name in the early 20th century by trying to destroy the conventional notion of art.
He also had a large collection of books, many inscribed by authors in the Dada movement.
The early work of some of the artists active in the Dada movement can be considered to fall into this category.
Involved with many young immigrant artists and the Dada movement, he achieved critical and commercial success.
Kertesz had become connected with members of the growing Dada movement.
He gave it freely for all to see and to push forward the Dada movement.
She was also briefly involved with the Dada movement.