Sales for the Dallas-based company rose nearly 15 percent, to $30.69 billion, from $26.71 billion.
It was the first house in Austin the Dallas-based company worked on.
The debt from that deal forced the Dallas-based company to file for bankruptcy.
The acquisition is the latest in a series by the Dallas-based company.
The Dallas-based company earned 95 cents a share, or $85.5 million, a year ago.
The Dallas-based company has been the focus of takeover speculation.
The Dallas-based company said its board considered the $11-a-share offer for about 7.1 million shares inadequate.
No reasons were given for the breakup of negotiations between the Dallas-based companies.
Mobil said about 500 employees had left the Dallas-based company voluntarily under an incentive plan.
The Dallas-based company said the investment would provide the business relationships and the capital needed to develop a national presence in the next five years.