Later series were focused on Alaska's improved but still remote Dalton Highway which is mainly snow covered solid ground.
Infrastructure development within the mining area included the Dalton Highway, railroads, and a port.
Last summer was the first that public traffic was allowed on the entire Dalton Highway (the southern half has been open since 1981).
The community is only three miles from the Dalton Highway, but the community was not connected to the road until the early 1990s.
A new road, the Dalton Highway, also had to be built before construction could start, and tens of thousands of workers had to be hired.
In total, the new Dalton Highway cost $185 million to build, and four companies shared that cost.
The group also was one of the main contractors for construction of the Dalton Highway.
Atop the gravel were prefabricated modular buildings either flown to the site or trucked across the Dalton Highway.
As soon as the haul road, later named the Dalton Highway, was built, the food and the overtime for some unions changed.
Charley Boorman was her companion for the trip and it saw them drive the Dalton Highway.