Damascus Document (Column 4 and 5)
Within the Damascus Document, Belial also makes a prominent appearance, being established as a source of evil and an origin of several types of sin.
The Damascus Document is a collection of rules and instructions reflecting the practices of a sectarian community.
Smaller examples of pesher interpretations can also be found within other texts from Qumran, including the Damascus Document.
Past symposia have examined such subjects as the Damascus Document, wisdom literature and the reworking of biblical literature.
A reference to the "fall of the watchers from heaven" is found in Hebrew in the Damascus Document 2:18 echoing 1 Enoch 13:10.
The Damascus Document can be divided into two separate sections of work, The Admonition and the Laws.
The textual relationship between the Damascus Document and Community Rule is not completely resolved, though there is a general agreement that they have some evolutionary connection.
These two latter passages also reveal a strong connection between the Temple Scroll and the Damascus Document.
According to Ellegård, the Damascus Document gives support to this theory.