At one point, he was sent to join the Danish resistance.
The extent to which the Danish resistance played an important strategic role has been the subject of much discussion.
Haaest's father was an active member of the Danish resistance.
Annemarie's older sister had died earlier in the war as a result of her work with the Danish Resistance.
He took a special pride in the fact that his oldest brother and father were active members of the Danish Resistance.
The Danish Resistance used the country's proximity to Sweden to great effect.
Faced with determined Danish resistance, however, the Prussians instead decided to withdraw.
German authorities, on the other hand, would only agree if those policemen would take an active part in defeating the Danish resistance.
Andersen was a conversationalist and a soccer fanatic, two traits that helped him as a member of the Danish resistance.
At one point, he was sent to join the Danish resistance, which Professor Glob had also joined.