Danish assistance to Malaysia was initiated as part of the Environment and Disaster Relief Facility.
Poverty reduction is the main goal for Danish assistance to Benin.
From 1969 to 1992, Danish assistance focused on electricity and water projects.
Poverty alleviation was always central to his projects; he believed, and fought for, continuing Danish assistance the regions and countries he worked in.
In 2011, Danish assistance amounted 370 million DKK, for security, counter piracy, growth and employment and active diplomacy.
Danish assistance in Tanzania amounted 500 million DKK in 2010.
In the post-war period Danish assistance went to economic reconstruction, infrastructure and environment restructuring.
The operation failed thanks to Danish assistance in helping over 7,000 of them to escape to Sweden.
Danish assistance to Zambia is approximately 245 million DKK per year.
Danish assistance to Afghanistan amounts $80 million each year.