Another major part of Wohlert's work was on Danish churches.
This was in itself very unusual since the Danish church is decentralized, apolitical, and without a central leadership.
From 1696 to 1870 there was a Danish church in Wellclose Square.
Like many Danish churches of the times, it is built of red brick.
There are hundreds of Danish churches where wall paintings have been discovered, often in a very poor state.
The Hvide clan and its relations seem to have dominated the Danish church for some century or more.
The church interior is very similar to other Danish churches.
Alfie crossed the Strand right along the front of the old Danish church, where the street curved around to the south.
"Toward the Light" was sent to all the bishops of the Danish church and to 60 ministers.
One of the towers has later been lowered to give the church a more classic Danish church look.