Headteachers will soon discover that, among their Danish counterparts, 'some see themselves as curriculum leaders, others do not'.
The British writers, like their Danish counterparts, are iconoclasts.
He wrote the regulations of the organization, borrowing the main structures from the Danish counterpart.
It contributes, with its Danish, Finnish and Swedish counterparts, to the Nordic Library at Athens.
During the war of 1643-45, the Norwegian army performed well while its Danish counterpart flopped.
The first international match was held on July 29, 2007 when the German women's national team beat their Danish counterparts 4-0 in front of 10,735 spectators.
Secretary Powell called his Danish counterpart on Thursday.
The near homonyms "Jensen" and "Jansson" are its Danish, Norwegian and Swedish counterparts.
Pettigrew and his Danish counterpart, Per Stig Møller, met in New York on this day.
I am proud of the Dutch fishermen: they and their Danish counterparts are the only ones with their catch quotas in order.