Vitus Bering (1681-1741) - Danish explorer.
September 22 - Frederic Louis Norden, Danish explorer (born 1708).
October 22 - Frederic Louis Norden, Danish explorer (died 1742)
Anders Christian Barclay Raunkiær (November 11, 1889 - June 13, 1915) was a Danish explorer and author, who died very young.
Vitus Bering (1681-1741), Danish explorer for the Russians, the first European to reach Alaska.
A similar theory was suggested by Danish explorer, adventurer and Captain Johan Støckel in the early 20th century.
The script for Eskimo was based on books by Danish explorer and author Peter Freuchen.
August 12 - Vitus Bering, Danish explorer (died 1741)
Count Eigil Knuth (8 August 1903 - 12 March 1996) was a Danish explorer, archaeologist, sculptor and writer.
He is referred to as the Nestor ("elder statesman") of Danish polar explorers.