Christian Molbech (8 October 1783 - 23 June 1857) was a Danish historian, literary critic, writer and editor of historical sources.
He was openly attacked by later generations of Danish historians for his strong belief in "the truth".
Bo Lidegaard (born 1958) is a Danish historian, diplomat, author and editor in chief of daily broadsheet newspaper Politiken.
Julius Salomon, Danish historian and archivist (see List of Jewish historians)
The book provoked embittered attacks from many Danish historians.
Lars Hedegaard (born 19 September 1942) is a Danish historian, journalist and author.
According to Danish historians, the lejlighedssang persists in modern Danish culture as an important form of group bonding or fælleskab (togetherness).
Hans Svaning (1503 - 20 September 1584) was a Danish historian.
Peter Fibiger Bang (born 25 June 1973) is a Danish comparative historian.
It is anonymous but all modern Danish historians recognise him as its author.