But visits by individual ships to Danish ports will be handled according to carefully crafted procedures.
I always supposed we should protest in defense of the Danish ports, for their sakes and our own.
The Danish-owned ferry was on an overnight trip from Oslo to a Danish port, Frederikshavn.
Wallis got under weigh to attempt to withdraw and reach a Danish port, but around 9:30pm she grounded.
During visits to Danish and foreign ports the covered quarterdeck is used for receptions.
The resolution called for barring Allied naval vessels that carry nuclear weapons from Danish ports.
He is most associated with his paintings of fishermen and other scenes from the Danish port of Skagen.
The Erria is now docked in the Danish port of Korsor.
Let me remind Members that, for instance, Denmark has a national law requiring 50 % landings in Danish ports.
I return to Swedish and Danish ports, or ofttimes to England.