After having a baby, she left to be a stay at home Mom and KLAS brought in Darren Miller as her replacement.
The character has since cultivated a relationship with her peer Darren Miller.
An intelligent girl, Libby gets involved in various scams with her friend Darren Miller (Charlie G. Hawkins).
EastEnders casting director Kat Collins had worked with him in a workshop before deciding to cast him as Darren Miller in 2004.
In Jodie's first appearance, she is found by Darren Miller (Charlie G. Hawkins) in the road saying she is lost.
Heather phones the father to tell him he has a son, and it is revealed to be the much younger Darren Miller (Charlie G Hawkins).
Darren Miller (formerly of Backandtotheleft/Noxious Emotion)
Darren Miller, director of business affairs for Liberty Media, would not say how much the companies were spending, but when asked if it was less than $20 million, he said: "I suppose."
The casting director Katrine Collins had worked with Hawkins before and decided to cast him as Darren Miller.
Darren Miller and Dawn Swann, the only remaining family members, were kept on.