David Lane, director of marketing for Gallo imports, said the company was just following customer demands.
Wotanism is the name of a white supremacist current initiated by David Lane.
The foundation supplies about $700,000 worth of food, distributing 20,000 pounds a year to low-income families, said David Lane, the executive director.
It's just that David Lane kept saying this wasn't about the money, and in the end, we took his word for that.
The defence barrister, David Lane, then stood up to offer some brief remarks in mitigation.
The editors in chief are Mike Greaves and David Lane.
The cover was designed by David Lane.
Professor Churchill's lawyer, David Lane, said the investigation was retaliation for the essay.
David Lane, 68, American white supremacist leader and author.
A second season in 1971 was directed by David Reid and David Lane.