Along Davie Street are a variety of shops, restaurants, services, and hotels catering to a variety of customers, as well as private residences.
Davie Street in Vancouver is named for him.
Davie Street (1875)
Bin 941 (604 683 1246,, is a lively tapas bar at 941 Davie Street.
In trendy, warehouse-chic Yaletown, the Opus Hotel, 322 Davie Street, (866) 642-6787,, attracts flashy celebs and a young, international clientele.
True to its flashy location in the Opus, the Elixir Bar and Restaurant, 322 Davie Street, (604) 642-0557, is always hopping.
It quickly transitions into twin bored tunnels, heading southwest beneath Granville Street, then curving southeast to follow Davie Street through Yaletown.
It is centred on Davie Street and roughly includes the area between Burrard and Jervis streets.
The Opus Hotel (322 Davie Street, 866-642-6787 or 604-642-6787) is one of the newest and hippest additions to the Vancouver hotel scene.
The station is located on Davie Street at Mainland Street, approximately 80 metres northwest of Pacific Boulevard.