Leech appears in 'Days of Future Past' older but still child-like.
X-Men: Days of Future Past is scheduled to be released on July 18, 2014.
I've always wanted to do 'Days of Future Past' and there are just really a lot of stories yet to be told.
In the Days of Future Past, Colossus was again married to Shadowcat.
He stayed as screenwriter and producer in Days of Future Past.
Days of Future Past - Sentinels have either killed or placed into concentration camps almost all mutants.
In 2005 they played the piece as the opener to their show, "The Days of Future Past".
This plot is inspired by Days of Future Past and the Terminator series.
This episode follows Days of Future Past, part 2.
He will also play the role again in the film X-Men: Days of Future Past.