In a Dec. 21, 1995, letter, the President responded, "It sounds like you're on the right track."
There are certainly excellent parents who may find the need to hire someone like Mr. Mohit, as one parent claims in a Dec. 10 letter.
He said that after General Karpinski's Dec. 24 letter, improvements were made at the prison.
Mr. Clyburn released a copy of the Dec. 17, 1996, letter inviting members of Congress on the trip.
The contents of the Dec. 19 letter became available to the jurors late Friday, just before they were dismissed for the weekend.
To the Editor: Bravo for your Dec. 19 letter advocating smaller restaurant portions.
Critics of the Dec. 20 letter had said it rolled back standards established in a 1997 law.
Hospitals and emergency doctors were also concerned about the policy described in the Dec. 20 letter.
To the Editor: The Dec. 12 letter warning that more bicycling if there is a transit strike will bring more accidents got it backward.
However, the Dec. 24 letter appears to undermine administration assertions of the conventions' broad application in Iraq.