Mr. Rivera, who lives at 3220 Decatur Avenue, discovered four teen-agers tossing water balloons, and he ordered them to leave, the police said.
The football, baseball, and softball teams practiced at the city-owned park on Decatur Avenue, three blocks away.
The school is located at 200 Decatur Avenue.
Decatur Avenue parallels Webster as both roads continue north.
James Hernandez, 9, whose window looks out on the alleyway between 2730 and 2746 Decatur Avenue, thought Julian was a bird flying down.
Felix seems eager for summer's daily routine away from the tough streets near his home on Decatur Avenue.
But sometimes they are made available for tenants in place, as at 2665 Decatur Avenue, to support the economic rent required after rehabilitation.
If life on Decatur Avenue sometimes seemed uphill, that's because sometimes it was.
The bodega, at 2839 Decatur Avenue, has been the target of at least two police raids in the past year.
But I heard him first when we were both small, growing up on Decatur Avenue in the Bronx.