A December 2010 article determined that alcohol had the worst medical and social effects compared to other recreational substances such as heroin and crack cocaine.
New Orleans was first reported as the location for the twenty-fourth season in a December 2009 article on the website Vevmo.
According to a December 14 article in The Seattle Times, the company stated that "the five stores hadn't begun to turn a profit".
Vancouver2010.com 9 December 2009 article on media production teams at respective venues for the 2010 Winter Olympics.
In a December 2011 article, Klavan referred to himself as a "libertarian".
After decades of keeping silent, he allowed his name to appear in a December 2006 article written for The Journal.
John Arquilla criticized the book in a 3 December 2012 article in Foreign Policy.
A December 2009 article for Murdoch news site news.com.
Time magazine, in a December 1995 article about Gates in general rather than his book, said:
Results were described in the December article.