In a way she couldn't understand, Deer Lake was his town, his haven.
"There's no way in hell you can tail somebody through Deer Lake without getting made."
Deer Lakes already had a large man-made lake, and during its development two other lakes added.
Deer Lakes School District received more than $9.6 million in state funding for the school year 2007-08.
Deer Lakes School District's rate was 97% for 2010.
The church burnt down and the school was eventually closed and students were bussed to nearby Deer Lake.
Two days later Deer Lake was just beginning to dig out from under ten inches of new snow.
Harrisburg had competed with Deer Lake for commerce and population during the latter part of the nineteenth century.
The investigation of the kidnapping in Deer Lake was mishandled from the start.
He's none too excited about Deer Lake becoming 'ethnically diverse.'