The pair have their own term for this condition: pseudo-attention deficit disorder.
In fact, here's another (and a prediction): Attention Deficit Disorder.
This was later changed to Attention Deficit Disorder.
State officials said roughly 60 percent of the children who had been granted benefits chiefly because of attention deficit disorder were having their benefits terminated.
The danger, Ms. Levin said, is that things are too automated and that children end up suffering from "problem-solving deficit disorder."
To the Editor: Attention deficit disorder (National Briefing, April 6) is the most common behavior problem in children in this country.
Twigger is an old-fashioned adventurer masquerading as a lazy, macho, naïve neurotic with attention deficit disorder.
Attention deficit disorder?
In fact, the center noted that some parts of the state seemed to suffer from "FDD: Female Deficit Disorder."
Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults (00:55)