He had crossed the Alleghenies and struck a partnership with the native Delaware tribes in the area.
In fact, Christian was adopted into the Delaware tribe, complete with appropriate grooming and attire.
However, the Delaware tribe expressed disapproval of the battle and many left the territory then, but several remained, enough that white settlers were not without fear.
Some language revitalization work is underway by the Delaware Tribe of Indians.
Slocum was raised by the Delaware tribe in what is now Ohio and Indiana.
What the Delaware Tribe is doing to get a casino down there is pure genius.
He required the same from the Huron tribe in 1764 and the Delaware tribe in 1765.
Many artifacts of the Shorakapkock Indians of the Delaware tribe have been found here.
Throughout the second half of the month Miamis continued sending emissaries to persuade the Delaware tribe to attack Americans.
Minuit made good on his appointment by landing on the west bank of the river and gathered the sachems of the local Delaware tribe.