The remaining delegates gathered once again on the lawns in front of the mansion.
Nearly 2,000 delegates gathered for the congress, held in the Great Hall of the People.
More than 1,600 delegates from the organization's branches here and abroad gathered for the conference at an exhibition center outside Johannesburg.
Delegates representing Somalia's various clans will gather next month to choose an interim government.
As the independent groups rallied outdoors, delegates gathered this morning in a conference hall to form an officially endorsed human rights committee.
Delegates gathered at a hastily-built temporary structure that was designed to accommodate the several thousand people expected to attend.
In Baghdad on Tuesday, delegates gathered at the national political conference to form a national assembly.
Responding to the alarm, delegates from around the globe will gather next week outside Washington to negotiate a treaty limiting the gases.
Delegates were gathering signatures on Monday for amendments on many of the most contentious issues in the latest draft.
Yesterday, 187 delegates gathered in Poughkeepsie to commemorate the event and debate today's Constitutional issues.