The Democrats have also been beating the Abramoff drum.
The polls show the Democrats can beat him as long as they don't nominate a candidate.
The Democrats will beat us up and down on it, no question about that.
"We're going to need every Democrat to beat George Bush."
In the wake of Iraq's rape of Kuwait, Democrats beat a hasty retreat.
The Democrats are beating each other up, the economy's doing pretty well, and there's no voter anger this year.
Democrats have been beating the oil drum for months, coupling rising gas prices with oil companies reaping record profits and big tax breaks.
But when the pollsters asked voters who they felt would do the better job on these domestic issues, Democrats beat Republicans on nearly every one.
Bishop's victory was one of only two that year in which a non-incumbent Democrat beat an incumbent Republican.
"The Democrats are beating us on crime, taxes and Social Security," said a top Republican aide.