More than thirty Democrats defected to Callaway either because he held a slim statewide plurality or had carried their districts.
These 3 seats included 2 where Liberal Democrats councillors had defected to People Against Bureaucracy.
Sixty-four Democrats defected from their leadership for a broad range of reasons, an amalgam of local concerns, personal loyalties and regional ties.
But enough rank-and-file Democrats defected to push the cut through the House last year.
Even some Democrats have defected on another central element of the plan, the investment tax credit, which is likely to hasten its unraveling.
Jimmy Carter bridged the gap in 1976; in 1980, many conservative Democrats defected.
Since the 1999 election the Conservatives had gained a majority on the council after 2 councillors including 1 Liberal Democrat had defected to them.
When the final Senate vote on welfare came three days later, White House officials were jubilant: only 11 Democrats defected to vote against the bill.
Behind the anxiety of the party leadership was their recollection of 1981, when many Democrats defected to support the Reagan tax cuts.
More Democrats defected to Bush than voted for Nader.