Democrats and Republicans disagree on the best way to fix the tax.
Democrats have always disagreed on when and how America should intervene overseas.
He says this would yield $5 billion in revenues; the Democrats disagree, and don't like the idea anyway.
Democrats disagree that their party in any way disenfranchises women.
Republicans and Democrats disagreed yesterday about how the school might play in a campaign.
Democrats do not disagree, but they say that the plan is acceptable because it would balance out over six years.
But Democrats disagree about how to establish the party's spiritual credentials.
Talk to delegates and others on the floor, and you learn that Democrats of good will, at least, also disagree about what to do next.
If the Democrats disagree with the tax cuts, they should not vote to extend them.
But, he said, Democrats disagree among themselves on how stringent the work requirement should be.