To be sure, many Democrats would prefer to have the new President make the first move.
Democrats would prefer that government play a stronger role in guaranteeing access to care at lower prices.
"Democrats prefer to raise taxes on practically everyone, and Republicans do not."
The Democrats, including the President, preferred to swallow a bill they know is wrong rather than lose on principle.
Republicans believe parents and teachers should have a say in their children's education, while Democrats prefer bureaucrats.
Democrats nowadays prefer "progressive" or nervously change the subject when asked to define themselves.
Still, the Democrats would clearly prefer not to have to worry about attacks from within the party.
And no matter what the Democrats might prefer, we must never do so-not if America is to remain an independent nation.
In the total sample, the Democrats were preferred, 48 percent to 33 percent.
Democrats prefer taxes that hit the rich hard and spare the middle class.