Within minutes of his announcement Monday, several Democrat senators issued statements that read like condolence cards.
Joining Judge Silberman as co-chairman is Charles S. Robb, the former Democrat senator and governor of Virginia.
Two months later, Sowada was the only Democrat senator to express concern at the resignation of the deposed former leader Janet Powell from the party.
In the debate, Democrat senators have sharply criticized the temporary-worker plan, saying it would create an underclass of easily exploited low-skilled workers.
Earlier in the day by Al Franken, the Democrat senator for Minnesota, made his own call for net neutrality.
It's not enough to refer to Democratic landslides and Democratic senators as "Democrat landslides" and "Democrat senators."
As one thirty-year-old Democrat senator had pointed out, It's tough to try and take a shot at something that's going to increase the fossil fuel yield by fifty percent.
"I saw a good Democrat senator out of Georgia the other day," Mr. Bush said.
It says Mr. Pataki helped small businesses and provided a counterbalance to the state's two high-profile Democrat senators.
Democrat senators are for bigger government that wants to control the internet?