Liberal Democrats have been voicing discontent.
Democrats, confident of a solid majority for the next two years, voiced a new assertiveness toward President Bush.
Yet in private, his Christian Democrats are already voicing considerable concern over the future.
Many Democrats voiced grave doubts as well.
But Democrats voiced hope it would win enough support from moderate Republicans to force Republican leaders to allow a floor vote on some form of censure.
Democrats, in contrast, are voicing frustration with the turn of events, even as they note that six weeks can be a long time in politics.
The Democrats sparred less with one another today and voiced a nearly uniform message - that an ailing economy is having profound effects on people's lives.
Not surprisingly, Democrats voiced the more pessimistic economic prognoses, and argued that more ambitious Federal programs were needed.
But Democrats voiced no inclination to reverse the transformation of the welfare system into more of a work program.
The Democrats who lead the Assembly voiced similar complaints.