A bill passed this spring by the same Democrat-controlled Legislature would have allowed present owners to keep and register their weapons.
The state's new Republican Governor, George F. Allen, is squabbling with the Democrat-controlled Legislature over whether to try to entice Disney by subsidizing some of the park's development costs, like highway construction and staff training.
IT was probably more luck than calculation that Gov. Jon S. Corzine and the Democrat-controlled Legislature wound up playing the "good cop, bad cop" routine during the recent contract negotiations with the largest group of state employees.
The governor and the Democrat-controlled Legislature are fighting over whether to increase "sin" taxes on alcohol and cigarettes or raise taxes on the wealthiest people - the so-called "millionaire's tax."
If he ran again, he said, the Democrat-controlled Legislature might be "reluctant to cooperate" with him.
'They Worked With Weicker' "Whoever is running for the Democratic Party has to run on the record of the Democrat-controlled Legislature," said Mr. Rowland's press secretary, Richard Slawsky.
Last year, the Democrat-controlled Legislature passed a law reshaping the welfare system in Massachusetts.
A10 Redrawing a Political Map California's Democrat-controlled Legislature proposed a new map for the state's 53 Congressional districts that all but guaranteed a Democratic majority in the delegation for perhaps the next decade.
Last week, the Democrat-controlled Legislature in Trenton turned the state into something of a test case for how an electorate, which supported the anti-tax campaigns of Ronald Reagan in the 1980's, will respond to new taxes.
"Can you imagine the logic of allowing this bond issue to go through a Democrat-controlled Legislature that was just rejected by the people of the state of New Jersey?"