The name of the country was, due to the constitution, officially altered to "Democratic Kampuchea".
In Democratic Kampuchea, this pivotal meeting would later be projected as the founding date of the party.
These two well-educated women also played a central role in the regime of Democratic Kampuchea.
There were no courts, judges, laws or trials in Democratic Kampuchea.
On the surface, society in Democratic Kampuchea was strictly egalitarian.
Between 1975 and 1977, under Democratic Kampuchea, intellectuals were persecuted.
It was replaced in 1975 by the totalitarian state known as Democratic Kampuchea.
These two women were considered among the half-dozen most powerful personalities in Democratic Kampuchea.
From 1976 to 1979, he also served as the prime minister of Democratic Kampuchea.
The Order became dormant in 1975 under the government of Democratic Kampuchea.