That, he suggested, might provide some political cover for a Democratic attempt to attack the budget deficit through tax increases.
However, Chafee also cast a crucial procedural vote against a Democratic attempt to kill that bill, which failed by only two votes.
For the sake of balance, the story must also cite Democratic attempts to rig the 2012 playing field.
Democratic attempts to raise the issue are being brushed aside.
The Republicans had blasted the move as a Democratic attempt to cover up the bank and post office scandals.
Hayes emerged the victor by a Commission vote of 8 to 7, and the decision held after a Democratic attempt to filibuster the final result.
He predicted that the prosecution would help Democratic attempts to expand their legislative majority.
The committee, which was $300,000 in debt two years ago, has $1.2 million to fend off Democratic attempts to garner a majority.
The administration has been adamantly opposed to Democratic attempts to push for the agenda of organized labor.
They will couple it with the Republican defeat on Monday of a Democratic attempt to increase the minimum wage.