By 1980, Beeman has organized two political campaigns for Brown, and Brown named him national campaign manager for his Democratic primary bid.
In 1972, he helped organize rallies for George McGovern's 1972 Democratic Presidential bid.
Wisconsin Republicans have seen off a Democratic bid to control the state senate, winning polls that could shape agendas for 2012's presidential vote.
In turning down the putative Democratic bid for the office, Mr. McCain has built the necessary bridges back into the Republican fold.
Some deals were obvious, like going along with a Democratic bid to raise the minimum wage that House Republicans had already surrendered on.
Before ending his Democratic presidential bid on Feb. 23, Mr. Vilsack had accumulated a debt of about $430,000.
He lost a three-way Democratic primary bid for that seat.
Incomplete returns for the House of Representatives suggested that a Democratic bid to capture control there was also faltering.
He lost Democratic primary bids for a congressional seat in 1988 and 1995.
As things turned out, he met and taught many state and local officials who later would become supporters of his Democratic Presidential bid.