Senate: There were twenty seven Democratic co-sponsors and no Republican co-sponsors in the Senate.
This year, he said, he has 30 Democratic co-sponsors.
A Democratic co-sponsor, Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, struck a similar note.
By today, the N.A.A.C.P.'s actions persuaded Craig Stanley, one of the Democratic co-sponsors, to withdraw his support for the bill unless certain amendments were added.
He said today that he had at least 30 to 35 Democratic co-sponsors on the bill.
Mr. McDermott has 90 Democratic co-sponsors for his health care bill in the House; Mr. Cooper has a total of 57 in both parties.
Weisberg correctly notes I am a Democratic co-sponsor of S. 206, a bill to establish an independent commission to review and recommend termination of corporate-welfare subsidies.
Still, Senator Russell D. Feingold of Wisconsin, a Democratic co-sponsor of a measure to ban soft money in politics, was critical of the concert.
The bill, which has 29 Democratic co-sponsors, would allow states to exempt 10 percent of the participants from the limit.
The balanced budget constitutional amendment I have introduced now has 14 Republican and 16 Democratic co-sponsors.