But despite Mr. Bloomberg's landside re-election, the Democratic hegemony over municipal politics isn't dead yet.
With Democratic white hegemony brutally reestablished in Marshall and Harrison County, Lane declared the city and county "redeemed".
Moreover, Texas, which has historically had Democratic hegemony in statewide offices, has given way in the last decade to Republican dominance.
For one thing, Republicans retained the governorship of California, preventing the nation's most populous state from falling under Democratic hegemony like Texas and Florida.
Bryant, however, was so confident of success, considering the Democratic hegemony of Arkansas, that he could ignore the upstart challenge from Climer.
In the past, Mr. Gingrich has openly scorned the go-along-get-along style of Mr. Michel's leadership as a sure way to maintain the Democratic hegemony of the House.
While agreeing with him on the pluralist nature of Italian politics, I find Christian Democratic hegemony and Communist exclusion from ministerial office more disquieting than he does.
The southern States stand out very strongly as having experienced a Democratic hegemony then, as they did for the entire century beforehand.
Republicans have been on a roll in Virginia in recent years, after decades of Democratic hegemony that was attributable in part to solid union support.
Over the last two decades, the Republican Party has broken Democratic hegemony in one component of the New Deal coalition after another.