The Democratic margins will be 92 to 59 in the House and 25 to 11 in the Senate.
Republicans gained eight seats in the 40-seat State Senate, cutting the Democratic margin to four seats.
In November, Poughkeepsie voters turned a 7-0 Republican town board majority into a 5-2 Democratic margin.
The Republicans picked up three seats in the Senate, narrowing the Democratic margin to 20 to 16.
The Republicans had hoped to pick away at the Democratic margin this year in advance of an all-out assault in 1992.
Democratic margins from Philadelphia and its suburbs were more than enough to ensure Obama's victory even if he had lost all the rest of the state.
In the 1996 campaign, Clinton's early advertising and issue positioning closed the Republican lead and opened up a decisive Democratic margin instead.
Almost everywhere, women were crucial to those Democratic margins.
Moreover, the current Democratic margin was so thin as to make it difficult for the President to push the rest of his domestic agenda into law.
In the last 15 years, the Democratic margin in enrollment in Queens has jumped from a 3-to-1 edge to 4-to-1.