Democratic officeholders and strategists were split over what to do next.
With an annual budget of $1.5 million, much of it from Hollywood, the group issues papers intended to aid Democratic officeholders.
Bush alluded to this option, mentioning some suggestions that he linked to various former Democratic officeholders.
An important question is whether Democratic officeholders strike out on their own, independent of an unpopular President, or whether they try to work with him.
"There is no election in Westchester this fall," said the Democratic officeholder with exasperation.
Democratic officeholders have a chronic anxiety, justified in five of the last six Presidential elections, about a drag at the top of the ticket.
The following is a list of elected statewide and federal Democratic officeholders beginning in 2013:
When he began to make inroads, the sheriffs and other Democratic officeholders proceeded to block his election.
Every Democratic officeholder in the city was there as well as the leadership of Tammany.
"He's in the catbird seat," a Democratic officeholder conceded last spring.