For years it was Democratic orthodoxy to label repeal of the estate tax a giveaway to the very richest people in the country.
Some bump up against Democratic orthodoxy, like his advocacy of teacher testing.
And in his speech here, he noted some of the ways in which he has challenged Democratic orthodoxy in the past.
His overall approach, having government require businesses to pay for social benefits such as health care, day care and parental leave, is becoming Democratic orthodoxy.
The proportion of independents has risen steadily, and fewer voters are rooted in Democratic or Republican orthodoxy.
The Washington Union, the communications organ for the administration, wrote on January 24 that support for the bill would be "a test of Democratic orthodoxy".
Mr. Clinton is running away from any such liberal Democratic orthodoxy, just as he runs against the conservative extremism of Newt's revolutionaries.
When he did depart from Democratic orthodoxy, it usually involved attacking constituencies with little influence in his state, like Hollywood movie producers.
In his early years in Congress, Mr. Gephardt took positions at odds with Democratic orthodoxy.
He has attracted attention for his role in challenging Democratic orthodoxy on some issues.