The Tammany leader, John Kelly, was said to have secretly arranged for many Catholic voters, usually Democratic stalwarts, to switch to the G.O.P. candidate.
Mr. Koizumi's predecessors were mostly bland Liberal Democratic stalwarts who deferred to senior faction leaders and never proposed policies challenging powerful interest groups.
Mr. Lieberman clearly enthralled the Jewish Democratic stalwarts in South Florida.
In 1989 Navajo elders and other Democratic stalwarts determined to run a Navajo for every county post up for election.
This shift won the endorsement of such Democratic stalwarts as SEIU leader Dennis Rivera and state teachers' union president Randi Weingarten.
Another Democratic stalwart in the county, Sean Purdy, the town attorney for Haverstraw and chairman of the party's law committee, was also arrested yesterday.
Happy Majority In the ballroom at the Rye Town Hilton, Democratic stalwarts were slap-happy with their success.
But Mr. Gore leaves him frowning outright, at the thought that for the first time in decades, this local Democratic stalwart must shun his party's presidential line.
Charles F. C. Ruff, the current White House counsel, was the last Watergate special prosecutor and has been a Democratic stalwart in Washington for years.
A Democratic stalwart said he visited Mr. Bradley in Washington two weeks ago and Mr. Bradleytold him that he was definitely running.