The Department of Health and Social Services also contracted with it to deliver 2.3 million welfare and health-insurance checks, leading to talk in the city this week of, if not privatizing the Royal Mail, at least ending its monopoly on first-class mail.
Westchester's arrangement with the Volunteers of America marks the first time the Department of Health has contracted with the organization.
The Department for Work and Pensions has contracted Atos Healthcare, a healthcare company part of the global Atos Origin company to undertake medical assessments.
In 2003 the Department of the Interior contracted private appraisals of the property which valued it at $420,000.
During World War II, the Department of the Navy contracted Manitowoc to build a total of 28 submarines, plus the canceled USS Chicolar (SS-464).
Since 1994, Suffolk County's Department of Social Services has contracted with New Life to provide shelter for the homeless.
After some repairs were made at Faslane, the Department of National Defence contracted Eide Marine Services to transport Chicoutimi aboard the submersible heavy lift ship Eide Transporter to Halifax.
For example, the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) Financial Services Center (FSC) in Austin, Texas, had contracted with recovery audit firms in the past, but now performs recovery auditing in-house using about three full-time employees to administer the program and one employee for software development.
The Department of Education has contracted with Temco Service Industries to provide custodial services and maintenance at schools and administration buildings since June 2007 at a cost of $45 million annually.
The Department has contracted with the Department of Defense to participate in its Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP).