This all comes a fortnight after the Department of Health signed a deal with the private company, Circle, to run Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Cambridgeshire.
The Department of Health has announced $10.7 million in grant awards, but has signed contracts for only about half that amount, and even most of the contracted money has not been spent.
For the development of its Students the Department signed an MoU with Yokogawa Industries Ltd. & Technophilia to conduct many training programs.
The Department of Energy has signed contracts to begin accepting wastes for disposal in 1998, but needs interim storage since it has no permanent solution.
In 1997, Canada's Department of National Defence signed on to the Concept Demonstration phase with an investment of US$10 million.
The Departments have signed a twelve month contract with Experian to help drive down unacceptably high levels of tax credit and benefit fraud and error.
The Department of Communication at Aalborg University signed a cooperation agreement with the Royal School of Library and Information Science in 2008.
And, perhaps surprisingly, the Department of Homeland Security also signed on to advise.
On 4 December 2008 it was announced that Transport for London and the Department for Transport had signed the Crossrail Sponsors' Agreement.
The fine is part of a consent agreement the town and the state Department of Environmental Conservation signed on March 15.