The Department of Defense withheld Adel Noori's documents when they published the documents from the other 179 habeas petitioner's CSR Tribunals.
Veterans were also angered last week by a report that the Department of Defense had withheld information on chemical agents detected during the war.
They argued that the Department of Defense had withheld important information about Ahmed to substantiate its claim that he committed suicide.
The Department of Defense withheld the unclassified documents from Al Qosi's Tribunal without explanation.
The Department of Revenue is withholding thousands of refunds from early returns until state coffers are refilled, which could be this summer.
After congressional review, the Department of Defense (DoD) withheld the aircraft's electronic warfare and engine systems from the licensing.
The Department withheld the Algerians' identities without explanation.
The Department of Defense withheld intelligence from the FBI.
He said that the Department of Justice had withheld as many as ten documents from him.
"Nationwide, there is an increasingly strongly held view that the Department of Defense is still withholding relevant information from concerned veterans and members of the public."