Roger C. Altman, Deputy Treasury Secretary, has been acting as the agency's interim chief executive.
"That's a lot of paper money," says Lawrence Summers, the Deputy Treasury Secretary.
But he was forced to resign his post as Deputy Treasury Secretary in August 1994 under a cloud of criticism from both Democrats and Republicans.
The dispute has gone to the Deputy Treasury Secretary, John E. Robson, for resolution.
"Most economic experts believe that a higher savings rate is good for the economy," said Lawrence H. Summers, the Deputy Treasury Secretary.
Another was Roger C. Altman, then the Deputy Treasury Secretary.
The Deputy Treasury Secretary straightened himself, happy to be recognized.
The Deputy Treasury Secretary, a former investment banker, will testify on Whitewater today.
Altman served as the Deputy Treasury Secretary, before resigning in 1994 following a record-keeping scandal.
The Deputy Treasury Secretary faced sharp Congressional questioning about the savings and loan rescue operation.
Roger C. Altman, Deputy Treasury Secretary, has been acting as the agency's interim chief executive.
"That's a lot of paper money," says Lawrence Summers, the Deputy Treasury Secretary.
But he was forced to resign his post as Deputy Treasury Secretary in August 1994 under a cloud of criticism from both Democrats and Republicans.
The dispute has gone to the Deputy Treasury Secretary, John E. Robson, for resolution.
"Most economic experts believe that a higher savings rate is good for the economy," said Lawrence H. Summers, the Deputy Treasury Secretary.
Another was Roger C. Altman, then the Deputy Treasury Secretary.
The Deputy Treasury Secretary straightened himself, happy to be recognized.
The Deputy Treasury Secretary, a former investment banker, will testify on Whitewater today.
Altman served as the Deputy Treasury Secretary, before resigning in 1994 following a record-keeping scandal.
The Deputy Treasury Secretary faced sharp Congressional questioning about the savings and loan rescue operation.