At Rikers, Horizon teachers and administrators measure success in stories like that of Derrick Johnson, a 10th-grade dropout who earned his high school equivalency degree last year.
The sophomore linebacker Derrick Johnson should follow a terrific rookie season - 83 tackles - and be the playmaker of a swarming unit.
On Sept. 3, 2002, Derrick Johnson, a 5-year-old boy, was admitted to the hospital with a fractured skull and rib.
She dated the school's basketball star, Derrick Johnson, but broke up with him just before the team's March Madness debut.
Sidney Brown as Derrick Johnson, the star player of the college basketball team.
The police say those bullets missed the intended victim and struck a bystander, Derrick Johnson, 23 years old.
Former Longhorn stars, Derrick Johnson and Ahmad Brooks visited the camp.
His younger brother, Derrick Johnson, plays for the Kansas City Chiefs.
Early in the third quarter, Derrick Johnson intercepted an errant Joe Flacco pass and returned it to the Ravens 3 yard line.
LB - Derrick Johnson (2001-2004)