In August of each year, Destination Imagination releases seven challenges, pertaining to different tasks that a team must solve.
For kids 4 - 7 years of age, Destination Imagination offers the Rising Stars!
Destination Imagination - DI is a group that encourages students to use their mind to come up with creative ways to solve issues.
Another program that the school has Destination Imagination.
Destination ImagiNation involves students in kindergarten through 12th grade.
The school's Destination Imagination and Odyssey of the Mind teams have made it to the state finals.
Destination Imagination has long been a tradition at Pacelli High School.
Destination ImagiNation, an international creating problem solving organization for children.
Destination Imagination's national tournament, which hosts vary with each year.
Destination Imagination, part of the biggest program for creative solution of problems.