Di knew the Dewey decimal system the way most people knew the streets of their own neighborhoods.
Bell classified the entire collection under the new Dewey Decimal system (still in use) by 1914, and opened a children's section that same year.
An extension of the Dewey decimal system of classification applied to architecture and building.
Pupils may need to know about ways of classifying books - the Dewey system in public libraries for instance.
One number system used by many libraries is the Dewey decimal system.
Another end of an era: phasing out the Dewey decimal system.
He also introduced the Dewey system for the school library.
In 1899 she cataloged the collection according to the then new Dewey Decimal system.
However, the Dewey system, which allows for infinite subdivision on a decimal basis, can cope with this.
Memories were not stored in a linear fashion, ordered by some cerebral Dewey decimal system.