The 'Diamond Dogs' tour that followed was an enormous amount of work for everybody involved and in some ways, it began to break down.
Sometime during the story he and Miller form a new elite unit of soldiers, the "Diamond Dogs".
Stephen arrives and stabs Diamond Dog in the hand with a broken bottle, telling him to stay away.
The team goes to St. Petersburg, where they must sell the rare book to Diamond Dog.
They are ambushed by Diamond Dog's gang while heading to the exchange.
A hit man tosses Bloom a phone, and Diamond Dog confirms that it is real.
The Lumberjacks first beat the Diamond Dogs, 11-1, and lost at home, 7-5.
Since the Diamond Dogs left in 2002, the facility had been without any tenants.
The Diamond Dogs did not finish out the 1997 season, folding in July.
"1984" is a song by David Bowie, from his 1974 album Diamond Dogs.