I was fascinated by our shiny mahogany Sobell wireless set as a kid, and would wait hours for Dick Barton to emerge from the back.
Our home was full of laughter and love, Dick Barton.crisp sheets, and shiny furniture.
The film Dick Barton Strikes Back (1947) featured a fight scene on the tower.
One farmer said "what we really want is a farming Dick Barton!"
At the 1934 Empire Games he won the gold medal in the welterweight class after winning the final against Dick Barton.
Dick Barton has also been adapted into a tongue-in-cheek stage play and a spoof radio comedy.
However, the production team finally settled on the more dynamic Dick Barton.
It became famous as the theme tune to the radio serial Dick Barton - Special Agent.
The film's title during production was Dick Barton and the Silent Plague.
The film's title during production was Dick Barton vs the Death Ray.