Discovery landed at Edwards Air Force Base, California, on April 29, 1990.
Discovery landed on 18 March 1989, after orbit 80, one orbit earlier than planned, in order to avoid possible excessive wind buildup expected at the landing site.
The last time a shuttle landed here was in 1985, when Discovery landed, blowing out a tire and sustaining brake damage.
The space agency said the Discovery would land at 2:57 P.M. Monday.
Discovery successfully landed on 28 March 2009, at 15:13 pm EDT.
Discovery landed on Edwards' Runway 23 at 1315Z on 3 September 1985.
Discovery successfully landed on March 28, 2009.
Braced for the intensity of her fourth shuttle flight, Captain Lawrence said she intended to relax after the Discovery landed.
After 48 orbits around the Earth, Discovery landed at the Kennedy Space Center on January 27, 1985.
The deorbit burn phase began successfully at 7:07 am CDT, committing Discovery to land on the 17th.