This was the way I remembered Ditch Plains.
Twenty-two years later I returned to Ditch Plains and, surprisingly, little had changed.
I'd come to expect this from Ditch Plains.
The store owner who sold me my first board closed the surf shop and now shuttles between a tropical surf camp and Ditch Plains.
That's what makes Ditch Plains so unusual.
Last week he opened Ditch Plains, a seafood spot in Greenwich Village.
In 2005, he also helped open another restaurant, Ditch Plains.
It's not all bad news at Ditch Plains, which is named after a legendary Long Island surfing spot.
For every pleasure at Ditch Plains there are too many odd details that beg questions.
At the East Deck Motel (516-668-2334) on the beach at Ditch Plains, rooms are $90 to $105.