In 1991, he starred in Doc Hollywood, a romantic comedy about a talented medical doctor who decides to become a plastic surgeon.
But this didn't prevent my fellow Polies from calling me Doc Hollywood after the incident.
It said the success of such summer releases as "Robin Hood" and "Doc Hollywood" had helped increase earnings.
The original was a poor man's Doc Hollywood to start with.
Both shows were organized by Marc Merson, a television and film producer who was executive producer of "Doc Hollywood," a recently released movie.
Stiers previously worked with Michael J. Fox in Doc Hollywood.
Doc Hollywood: The title of a movie is made up and Christian come up with the plot and actors.
For Mr. Fox, he has since rewritten "Doc Hollywood," a comedy currently in production.
Year's most annoying movie: "Doc Hollywood."
Shacklock has also produced music for films including Quicksilver, Doc Hollywood and Buddy's Song.